Even George Orwell Didn’t See This Coming.

…while George Orwell seems to have predicated the future with his ‘Big Brother’book 1984, I think even he’d be surprised to see how far we’ve run with the idea.

You can’t walk two feet nowadays without being on CCTV, a passing car’s dash cam, or some idiot recording your fall to add to the huge vault of nonsense on YouTube.

Heck, even George’s home street in the UK has bore the brunt of the ‘security’ conscious. -Within 200 yards of his home, there are 32 CCTV cameras recording everyone’s movements.

Big Brother is well and truly here.

Now, while it all might seem a little depressing, there’s a lot of good in that little camera in your pocket.

Without an office, or expensive video software, you can easily rustle up a collection of videos and put them on YouTube. – Once you’ve made them private, it’s very easy to set up a PayPal link (and Bob’s your uncle), your customers can have access to them after they’ve paid you.

Nothing hard. Nothing complicated. And you can sell that content over and over again.

Still think it’s hard to make money?

Super Simple Storylines.

(I think even George would’ve been impressed with what I teach in this easy to create, and watch video.)

PS – And for those iPhone peeps, you can do even more things like record audio files, create PDF documents, and much more.

If you don’t know how,  click here.

Now go out and make some money for yourself.

The post Even George Orwell Didn’t See This Coming. appeared first on WriteCome.com.


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