Could You Write An Email About A Can Of Coke Or A Pencil?
…today’s email is a bit off the top of my head.
You’re probably saying that they’re always like that…but honestly, as I’m sitting here…I’m struggling to come up with a topic to write about.
So what do you do when you can’t think of anything to write about? You look around you and start writing about the first thing that you see.
Me…I’m looking at a can of coke and a pencil right now…left behind after Finn (my youngest, who doesn’t believe – like his Mum – that anything has a place.)
Call me a little OCD, but if I see stuff that’s not back in it’s proper place it’ll get to me until I take it back.
Honestly if came home without knowing what my wife was up to, I’d just follow the trail of things left out after her.
And don’t get me started on open bottle tops, or half opened jars.
Seems I’m the only one in the house that can screw them back on.
In this email idea, I could go on and on giving you a glimpse of what I’m like as a person and a little about my family life in my email.
I could write about…that even though we’ve come a long way with technology, that you don’t need anything more than a simple pencil and piece of paper to be able to write.
No fancy apps, no worrying about battery life, and no chance of it all being deleted.
I could also write about the fact that just using a simple pencil and writing text out by hand every day could make you a better writer.
I could go back to the moments that a simple Coke made a difference in my life. That first date where I took my wife out, but was afraid to drink if case I made a fool of myself.
The glass of Coke that was spilled over my prom date, meaning she spent the rest of the night washing it out and I was left twiddling my thumbs while everyone else was having a great night.
I could go on, but you get the idea.
By the way, everything you read above is totally true. And it all came from a Coke and pencil.
How many ideas have you locked away in your head right now?
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