Reduce Your High Autoresponder Fees Starting Today

…working online there are two fees that most of us can’t shake off..

…hosting fees..and auto responder fees.

With hosting you can shop around, buy the cheapest hosting package and hope that when it hits the fan that the
company can speak English and…more importantly…know what to do.

With autoresponders you’ve also got a few choices……host one of your own…and hope your hosting is sending
out your emails properly.

And that they don’t look like something written by a monkey with a crayon.

Then you’ve got GetResponse and Aweber, two of the big daddys.

When I was starting off, the thoughts of paying that monthly amount put me off.

I was only sending 4 emails to my list each month, and that was going to cost me $19 a month?

When you’re on a limited budget and barely covering your hosting fee…it was a bridge too far.

It put me off sending emails and creating a list for a long time.

Maybe it’s the same for you too?

Maybe sending a email a week doesn’t sound like good value for money?

But who said that you should only send one email a week?

Why not send one a day?

Imagine thirty of your little emails going out each month…would that be more value for your money?

Think maybe a few of them would make it through to your subscribers inbox and actually get read?

Me too.

If you bought ‘Email Writing For Authors’ you’ll be glad to know that he has a new cousing…

‘Email Ace’

Over 80 ideas you can rinse and repeat over and over again to give you an unlimited pool of email ideas.

Get your little butt over here and let’s get you started.

Or you could use the monkey and crayon option that some recommend.

But maybe it’s because they don’t only send 1-2 emails a month too?

Just wondering.

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