This Surprised Me…

….everybody’s taking about online this and online that.

Me included.

But I learned something yesterday that surprised me.

When it comes to trust…people are more trusting of things that are offline.

You know those flyers that promote charities?

…the ones, you probably toss in the bin.

They bring in more donations than anything done online.

In some cases it’s 15:1 in favor of mail sent out.

And the best one I read was that Google mails out to people in the hope that they’ll take up their adsense ads.

Google sends out mail?

I don’t know about you, but that surprised me.

One of the biggest online companies in the world and they use the post man?

Seems people are more trusting of things that are offline…like news stories, articles in the press, and radio.

So just because everyone’s doing it all online, don’t think you have to be copying them.

Maybe an article in your local paper could be more helpful to you than your last Facebook campaign.

And even if it’s not, you can always use the “As featured in local news” as a tagline with your signature.

Don’t know about you, but it’s sounds better than “Was on a Facebook ad” three weeks ago?

Remember when everyone’s zigging, try to be zagging.

Here’s a few ways to be zagging.

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