You’ve Gotta…Blah…Blah…Blah…Read This Blog Post…

…because it’s Blah, Blah, Blah day, the day when you’re supposed to get off your butt and do the thing that everyone’s been nagging you to do.

Then hopefully that’ll be one less thing you can be nagged about.

This past few day’s I’ve been nagging you about book covers, what you wanted, what you didn’t, and OMG you haven’t even got a book to put a cover on?

Today’s the last day I’ll…blah…blah..blah….talk about it.

I’d love to be able to…drag you all to the finish line, see you signing books at your local bookstore, or drum you into action like that Drill Sergeant in Full Metal Jacket.

I can’t.

That’s up you.
If you’re writing romance books on Kindle, or know a romance author send them here.

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