A Weird Bedroom Threesome

…rewind back a few nights, where me and Mrs Mac are lying in bed.

Catherine’s eyes had been at her all day due to her hay-fever. And although exhausted, she felt like someone had thrown grit in her eyes.

‘I can’t sleep like this,’ she grumbled.

Of course me being the smart-ass, called out to the room ‘Alexa, what’s good for burning eyes.’

Suddenly the corner of the room began to glow.

Confused, I got out of bed to turn off whatever had turned itself on. Turns out, Finn had left his Kindle Fire in the room.

‘You know, it would be funny if that’s that Alexa thing switching itself on,’ I remarked, picking it up, and looking for the power button.

Sure enough, good ole Alexa had turned herself on to answer my question.

Now don’t call me a tin-foil-hat card carrying member, but I shut her down as quick as I could get my hands on her settings. – I’d already turned her off on all the other kindles in the house but forgot Finn’s .

Then I wondered, how many conversations had she been listening in on, waiting to pounce with an answer to a question?

Because you’ve got to be listening all the time for that moment when your name’s called out, right?

And how many conversations from my 8 year old had she been listening to?

As Finn would say, ‘You’re creeping me out.’

Why anyone would willing to bring more of those things into their home boggles my mind?

Sorry, but the McDonald family isn’t going to be turned into the Truman show anytime soon.

Now, maybe if she’d been listening to the WriteCome podcast, then she might have learned something about me, and maybe something useful too.

You too.

If you’d like a look into my head and listen to my daily ramblings, you can find them here.

PS – Needless to say, that’s the last female threesome action that’ll be happening in the McDonald boudoir.

The post A Weird Bedroom Threesome appeared first on WriteCome.com.


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