Even Being Crap Is A Good Place To Start From

…on the way to being great, you have to trudge through a few levels.

We’ve got the ‘Crap’ level.

Then we’ve got the ‘OK’ level.

Then there’s the ‘Good’ level.

Followed, finally by, the ‘Great’ one.

Oh, and before all of those, we’ve got the ‘Try’ one.

For those that actually try anything, the number gets less and less as we go through the levels.

Most people don’t try anything.

Even less will stick with being bad, because who wants to be bad, right?

It sucks.

People make fun of you.

And it’s embarrassing.

Better to look good in front of people than do anything, right?

But the people we look up to, hang on our bedroom walls, and watch doing make-believe on TV and in movies are
ones that passed through most of those levels.

Some started at the very bottom, the crap level.

We’ve all heard those, ‘Don’t give up the day job, kid’ stories.

But when you’re at the bottom, the only way is up, right?

So why should you be any different?

If you’re crap, embrace it.

It’s not like you can get any worse. 🙂

Need help pushing through those levels?


Barry J McDonald.

PS – BTW I speak from experience.

The post Even Being Crap Is A Good Place To Start From appeared first on WriteCome.com.


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