Creating Content For Affiliate Marketing
Now, if you’ve landed on this post – expecting to have your head filled with lots of reasons for doing the above – it’s not.
Truth be told, the worst thing you can do is create content for affiliate marketing.
Why so?
Well, let’s head back to square one for a moment, and let’s look at the downside of being anyone’s affiliate. – Including mine : )
- Price – You’ve no control over the price of the product you’re promoting. If the vendor raises their price, that’s good for you. But if they don’t, you can forget that health commission you got.
- Quality – Time and markets move on. And if the product isn’t updated to keep up with new information and trends, it’s going to be like that leftover apple in the fruit bowl. – Not very attractive to anyone.
- Control – Apart from price and quality. You’ve got no control of a bad sales letter, any sales made on the opposite of the sales letter, (that you get no commission from), and you’ve sent them a customer you’ll never see again.
With that out of the way, I’m sure you can see the flaws in affiliate marketing. – The big commissions are great, but you’re giving power to the vendor and losing any customers they get to keep.
Now, with your eyes open to what you’re getting into, is it worth getting into affiliate marketing?
If you’d asked me that question a few years back, when I had the rare $27 commission going into my PayPal account, I would have said, yes.
Nowadays, having my own product line where I get to keep all sales and build a customer list that I can sell to again and again, I’m sure you can see where I’d rather be.
Creating Content For Affiliate Marketing
And that’s what I want you to consider. Do you really want to create content that someone else is going to take advantage of, or would you rather build something that puts you in control?
Any sane person would say option 2.
My advice, instead of creating content for affiliate marketing, start creating content for you.
What do I mean by that?
I mean creating content where you’re in control of it. That means having a site, or a blog filled with content that’ll help your reader.
That means going from a business, where you’re the small guy and the vendor is the big guy, to you becoming the big guy and the vendor is merely mentioned as an option for further help.
That means building landing pages, and opt-in boxes, where potential customers have to give you their details before they’re allowed through to see any affiliate offers. – That way you’re in control of the email list and can send follow-up offers for days, weeks, or months to come.
That means creating your own product line, where you control the price, quality, and have full ownership of the customer list. – Probably the greatest asset you’ll ever own.
Now you’re free to dismiss all this and head off on another Google search, that’s up to you.
But there will be a time in the future where you’ll look back and regret not doing any of the above. – I know I do.
If you’d like to know how to build an audience and create products of your own, click here.
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