This Is What We Did On 1st Of January

Originally posted 2020-01-17 11:13:33.

…In the factory that I used to work in, the first of January meant one thing.

Holiday brochures.

All conversation on the factory floor moved from…

‘What are you doing for Christmas?’


‘What’s your plans for summer holidays?’

If you hadn’t anything lined up, you were usually guaranteed to be met with…

…a full itenary of where they were going..

…how many day’s they’d be gone for..

…and how cheap they got the holiday for.

‘Oh, and look at the beautiful pool!”
Oh course they didn’t care if you cared, but for that moment they had everything planned out for those two weeks of summertime.

The other 50 weeks…or take away the ones leading up to Christmas…had little direction.

It was get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, and go back to bed.

I’ll be honest, I was one of those people too.

When I look back at the time before we had kids I wonder what I used to do with all that spare free time I had.

I totally wasted it.

It’s only now when it’s limited by schools runs, being everyone’s taxi, and going to shows the kids are in, that I guard it and make better use of it.

For the life of me, I can’t remember the last time I sat down and played a games console.

The people that do know what they’re doing with their time are usually more productive and achieve more in their life.

They don’t drift and go with the flow like the majority of people do.

They also don’t look for holiday brochures on Jan 1st.

Amy’s added some software as an upsell that’ll help you churn out planners
like Henry Ford’s production line.

Or the computer keyboard line I used to work on. 🙂

Click here to start churning them out.

Holiday’s always look better in a brochures. Because it’s something physical you can hold onto.

That’s probably why physical planners sell so well too.

It looks a lot better than a scribble on a scrap of paper.

The post This Is What We Did On 1st Of January first appeared on


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