Beer Mat postcards

Originally posted 2020-03-03 08:06:05.

….it all started with a conversation over beer.

In Ireland, a lot of weird conversations take place over beer,

“You know you can turn a beer mat into a postcard?”

I shook my head, ignoring my friend.

“Honestly, I tried it and it worked.”

He produced a worn beer mat, that looked like it had been torn in half, the white inside showing.

I took it and looked it over.

He’d drawn a line down the middle, written his message on one side, his address on the other. On the top right hand corner, he’d drawn a crude stamp with a shape that looked like Ireland on it.

“That’s your stamp?”

“Yep, and came all the way from Portugal.– Good, no? Seems if you put in the post box they have to post it.”

“Yeah, right.”

Seems I was wrong. Lot’s of Irish have been latching onto the idea and are sending beer mat postcards in the post. One even sent one to a radio station to see if it would work.

It did. – Lesson learned.

It’s crazy the things that work when you don’t expect them to.

Take for example, my report on character building. You’d think character building was a hard thing to do. But my report breaks it down into an easy to follow process.

And even better, you’ll be able to go further than just using characters off TV as templates.

So, no to …Breaking Bad or Game of Throne clones… because copycats don’t have as much success with their books.

You can get your hands on a copy of the A-Z Of Fictional Character Building, and everything else I’ve created, by going here. 

The post Beer Mat postcards first appeared on


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