50 Things At 50 – Part 4

Today’s a continuation of yesterday’s post of 50 things I’ve discovered since I turned 50.

31 – Time Will Pass No Matter What You’re Doing – That thing you’re about to do may take five or ten years, but that time will pass no matter what you do. So why not do the thing you want to do even though it looks like it’s going to take years to do.

32 – Nobody Can Relate To Perfect People – You may want to put on the air of perfection, but it’ll work against you. People want to follow people that know their stuff, but don’t be afraid to show off your mistakes too it makes you more human. 

33 – People Buy From Those They Know Like And Trust – There’s a lot more than buying a piece of software or putting up a buy button to making money online.  Your customers only buy from people they know, like, and trust. – It’s the same reason why you buy what you do too, dummy.

34 – Don’t Stomp On Other People’s Dreams – Keep your mouth shut when someone tells you that they’d like to do something. You don’t know if they can do it or not. Let them talk themselves out of it, but keep your eyes on your own life.

35 – You’ll Become Your Father One Day – One day you’ll wake up and realize you’ve turned in your father. You’ll say those daft things he said, haven’t got a clue what your kids are talking about, and you’ll discover the superpower of having a mini nap during the day.  

36 – There’s A Reason People Drop Out Of Your Life – Some people will disappear from your life, even some of your best friends, let them go. You’ll try and built those relationships later on and find that there was a good reason you parted ways.

37 – Anything Can Happen In The Next Half Hour – That quote from Stingray is something you need to remember. When things are great, they can change at a moment’s notice. The same goes for the darkest moments too. 

38 – Most Businesses Haven’t A Clue What They’re Doing – You’re going to work for businesses that seem like the most professional place in the world.  But once inside, you’ll find you’ll wonder how they can keep their doors open.  The same is true of the people you look up to, if you followed most for a day you’d lose all respect for them. 

39 – The Coolest Person In School Never Achieves Anything – Those people that you wanted to be like at school and work, never amount to anything outside it.  It’s the only arena they’ll be relevant in. – Oh, and it’s only time they’ll be good looking too. : ) 

40 – You’ll Still Be Telling Stories – Those stories you used to tell your father in the lorry, won’t be the last of your storytelling days.  In fact, people will tell you they enjoy hearing them and some people will actually pay for them too. 

Stay tuned for part 5. 

The post 50 Things At 50 – Part 4 first appeared on WriteCome.com.


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